
Showing posts from July, 2007

Let's give her a big clap

After few times we taught her how to clap. Finally, she started to clap when we ask her to do so. Now, almost every moment we can hear clapping from her. Look at her! So happy with her first clap. Wish her a life of happiness & prosperity. : )

SoOooo... bOring...

Hai... Baby Lok Yi is tired already after few minutes been baby model. She is wondering why daddy still not yet finish shooting? No choice, daddy needs to take nice photo of yours mah! Be patient, O.K? : )

Hurrah! Hurrah!

Hurrah! Hurrah! This is my baby reaction when I was trying to take nice photo of her. Think she is so excited with this.

Look Who's Talking

My little baby Lok Yi coos and gurgles and tries to make sound but I really have no idea what's she talking about. Does anyone knows? From my understanding, she says she wants to beat someone. (打!(Punch!), 打!(Punch!)...) Hai... P/S: Please turn on your speaker. 😂

Baby Lok Yi (乐怡) Says Hello!!! to Everybody

This is my little baby Lok Yi (乐怡) first appearance in She is 9 months 3 weeks & 4 days old now. Let's say HELLO!!! to everybody. She'll shows us her amusing & funniest shows soon. Stay tune! :-)