Make Little More Money Online


The public outcry of inflation nowadays is something serious. Everything is started to increase after the petrol price has gone up. The inflation has burdened most of the people especially low income people like me. Besides spend less on our expenses, I think most of the people have started to enquire more money through part-time job & etc.

So do I, I have started my blogging life a year ago & gaining some extra income through some ads. Although I know my visitors are less but still, I’m happy that someone is interested with the articles I wrote.

Today, I just registered two Paid to Click (PTC) advertisement organizers. One is & another is Adbux. Both of them have its unique way to gain credits but basically using PTC. The basic idea is when you click on the ads advertised by them within certain period then you’ll gain your credits. Sound easy but earning is less, your credits only grow strong through referrals. The more referrals you have the bigger money you make. The payment you gained can cash out though AlertPay. I’m not sure how reliable & effective the system is but at least I’ll gain my experience & hopefully, extra money for myself to overcome the inflation. Most important, Lok Yi’s milk powder is safe!

FYI, be careful when register & use above ads. Although it’s FREE for register but still, you need to pay extra for better margin. For example, purchase more referrals. 


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