Merry X’mas & Happy New Year 2009 to Everyone!

Ho Ho Ho! Merry X’mas to all! Tomorrow is X’mas day, I wish all are having a lovely & cheery X’mas plus happy upcoming new year 2009!

Even though it’s too early to say so but I do hope everyone is enjoying  X’mas & looking forward to the new year 2009. No matter how bad it was this year economy. Somehow, we still have to believe that next year will be a better year for all of us. 😉 There’s gonna be sunny day by tomorrow!

How was my year in 2008? Hmm… I’m good! nor better than last year. Should I use the word FINE to describe? Sometimes, even it’s not as good as last year but it’s better than worst! Furthermore, Lok Yi is growing fast. Physically & mentally! Plus, getting naughty day by day! 😜


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