Happy Chinese New Year 2009! $+❤+✙+✔!

Here to wishing all Happy Chinese New Year (CNY)! No matter you’re Chinese, Malay or Indian. I’m sure we will having a week long holiday since CNY just fall on the right day. ;-)  Few more days to go!


I’m local & need NO to go back kampung like others. It’s kind of boring because staying at home for the whole week & do nothing… Nothing? Hmm… Possible it’s mahjong session since my family only playing mahjong once a year & it’s CNY! Hopefully, everything is getting better after CNY because my zodiac is Horse. Horse is having worst luck for the year of Ox. Sigh! Since when I believe in such thing? I don’t know, possible it’s as good as guidance for me.

Anyhow, I wish all of you having a Happy & Prosperity 2009 Chinese New Year! 祝你牛年春节快乐 ! ;-)


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