Lok Yi… Are You Ready? Time For Swimming… :-)

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Time is passing fast… I hardly believed that the last post I made here was 6 months ago. So what was I did for the past 6 months & how was Lok Yi? Lok Yi is well & well enough to make me headache daily because she is smart & extremely naughty. Sometimes, I really have no idea how to teach her to be a lady…

Honestly, if a boy fighting with her then for sure he is the loser because Lok Yi is a girl with male attitude & power. She just passed her 3rd Birthday 2 weeks ago & will be in kindergarten by end of this year. I hope she will be enjoying the schooling life in future because I just afraid she becoming kids bully.

For me, things are doing quite ok. Not in the term of WELL because it’s the same. Same job, same life & same environment. Does it mean I’m bored with my current life? Hmm… Not exactly but it may due to I didn’t visited any island this year. Hopefully, next year I will find some times to spend my lovely beaches.

Some of you may wanted to see how is Lok Yi doing? Here you go, some photos of Lok Yi wearing kid life jacket & goggles. Don’t misunderstand that she is still not ready to swim, yet know how to swim. However, I wish next year I will be bringing her to the beach & enjoy the nature of the beautiful beaches.

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