Never Be The Same Anymore…

I can't recalled when was the last time that I updated my blog but I clearly know that it has been a long long time… So, what’s making me to turn out & updating this blog again? I think I would say… My life is not gonna be the same anymore…

Throughout the year… Many things happened especially 2010. I would say this is the BEST year I ever had before… It seems everything just going well with me… First, I got promoted & well-paid. Second, we finally bought our own house & the BEST of all… I have my 2nd baby born few days ago. Moreover, the baby is HE… I mean baby BOY. This is truly out of our expectation because doctor said the baby was GIRL all these times on the checkup period.

Suddenly, I felt older & getting order because it seems that… Most of the dreams that I’ve targeted is finally came true throughout the time… Which I expected it to be completed before I’m 35 years old. Looking back the years that I have passed in my life… I did mistake & I learnt… I understand the meaning of LOVE… the meaning of TREASURE & the meaning of TOLERANCE… Sometimes, it takes time to fulfill your dreams but as long as you keep the FAITH… I truly believe that… You’ll make it TRUE…

In the end, am I consider lucky? or all depend on my own efforts? I don’t know… May be I just need to keep going with what I left over for all these years… with some courages & determination…


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