How to Renew Your Car Drving License Online


Road Transport Department (Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan aka JPJ) Malaysia has introduced their online driving license renewal system last year. I'm not sure how reliable & efficient the system is, so today I have give it a try using my credit card. 

First, enter the JPJ Online License Renewal

1. Enter all the required information. 

2. In the collection method, select "Delivery / Penghantaran". Enter your home / office address & its related information. 

3. Select credit card as payment method & click submit. 

4. It will redirect to another webpage which gonna take a while to process. Then click on the VISA or MASTER card logo to submit the payment via RHB Bank payment system backbone.

5. Enter your credit card information & click Pay.
6. Finally, the payment is done. Receipt is generated as following screenshot.


Da Da! It's done! The process took me around 5 minutes & I have done renewing my driving license for 5 years (Maximum). There are additonal charges for delivery (RM5) & e-Service Charge (RM2). For me, it's reasonable price because if you renew it via runner or yourself. I think it may cost you RM10 or more for car petrol, times & parking fees. I no need to waste time & just sit in my office waiting for the renewed driving license delivered within 5 working days. A nice service provided by JPJ I should say, hopefully we can renew our car insurance & car road tax in coming future.


Syco said…
I was reading your article and wondered if you had considered creating an ebook on this subject. Your writing would sell it fast. You have a lot of writing talent. Renew driving licence online

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