Redang Island Trip Part 3 (14 - 16 May 2008)


Day 2 Afternoon
There's one introductory of scuba diving free session given by travel agent. Even though it's mentioned as FREE but still we need to rent the diving equipment (Incomplete Set) @ RM30 per person. I guess the price is reasonable & good for newcomer like us (Just For Fun!).



We didn't take boat out as normal scuba diving trip do but we just starting our 3m deep diving session in the sea nearby the resort. The diving equipment is heavy! I think more than 10kg especially the oxygen tank. We walk like penguin while carrying all these equipments towards the shore. However, everything became lighter while we're in the sea water. 

Scuba diving is new for us, I have problems on breathing because it's look like the compressed oxygen is not the same SMELL as normal air. After few times practiced,  I'm able to breath & dive as usual.






Finally, we're able to catch the actions of Nemo during the diving. It's 3m deep below they lives. Although only one Nemo's host we found but I'm very happy that old friends are finally met!





Our session only last about 15mins. Although it's short but we did had great experience along the session. If there's a chance to do it again in future, I guess I will be the one to sign on! May be 3D2N getaway & diving package!


Soon. I'll post more videos & continued my journey show in Redang Island to all. See ya!


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