What’re You Looking For?


I always have this question on my mind. What’re You Looking For? Till now, I still can’t come up with an accurate answer for myself. I’m suck & the worst of all, I don’t even know what I really want? Most of the times, I choose to be dumb & ignore because I think this is the best way for me to escape from the troubles.

I hate troubles & I hate to trouble people too. People think I’m a cold turkey because the impressions of mine. In fact, I’m not! I wish I could joined them & mixing around, I wish I could help people & bring joy to them. However, the fact is… I don’t even know how to start the conversation & making some noises during the silent moment.

I learnt, fell & stood. In the end of day, I choose to be silent. Lotsa works, pressures & troubles… I’m afraid one day I will crash… Totally crush! Sigh! Eventually what I really want is pursue a better life for myself & my family. Till then, I think I should find the answer of joy & enlightenment before it’s too late. Life is good as long as you know how to deal with it…


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