Investment Thorn!


It has been more than month I didn’t update this blog. Hmm… Where am I gone? I still here, just life is not going smooth as I thought & planned. Why I said so?

Last month, my investments in PTC (Paid-To-Clicks) sites have flaw & broken apart. I lost badly because lotsa sites were closed down. Many kind of reasons & excuses used by those site owners to SCAM the members. Some admin ran away & some blame the DDOS attack as the issue caused the site no longer operated.

I didn’t blame or mad to any admin of the sites because it’s the nature of business! If the business no longer in profit, why still need to continue? It’s better to shut it down rather then in lost. However, as a poor investors like me have to bare the lost & cry for nothing. Sometimes... Such experiences are painful indeed, but is it not foolish to let them occupy our thoughts and precious time? 

However, don’t worry about me. Life goes on, just it takes times for me to pay back the debt I owed. Hmm… Let me guess, I think after a month I will get back all my investment & in the profit track. Let us see! Open-mouthed

P/S: Soon, Lok Yi is turned 2 year old. We’ve celebrated her Chinese’s birthday early this week. Now, waiting for her another official birthday in coming 22nd of October.


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